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Англо-русский дипломатический словарь - dispatch


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Перевод с английского языка dispatch на русский


• отправлять

• расправляться

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   1. noun  1) отправка, отправление (курьера, почты)  2) (дипломатическая) депеша; официальное донесение  3) быстрота, быстрое выполнение (работы) to do smth. with dispatch - делать что-л. быстро the matter requires dispatch - это срочное дело  4) предание смерти, казнь; убийство - happy dispatch Syn: see speed  2. v.  1) посылать; отсылать, отправлять по назначению (to) The young soldier was dispatched to a distant island to help govern the natives. The firm will dispatch the goods to London.  2) быстро выполнять, справляться (с делом, работой) to dispatch ones dinner - наскоро пообедать  3) obs. спешить  4) book. отправлять на тот свет, убивать Syn: see commit ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. отправка, отсылка dispatch of a letter —- отправка письма 2. быстрота, скорость with all possible (with the greatest possible, with the unmost) dispatch —- как можно скорее; не откладывая ни на минуту to do smth. with dispatch —- делать что-л. быстро 3. официальное сообщение, донесение, депеша diplomatic dispatches —- дипломатическая корреспонденция to deliver a dispatch —- доставить депешу 4. решение, урегулирование (вопроса) quick dispatch —- быстрое решение prompt dispatch of affairs —- урегулирование дел без волокиты dispatch of current business —- ведение текущих дел, решение текущих вопросов 5. курьер to send smth. by dispatch —- послать что-л. с курьером 6. агентство по доставке товаров 7. предание смерти, казнь; убийство happy dispatch —- харакири; мгновенная смерть при казни 8. отправлять, посылать to dispatch troops —- отправлять войска to dispatch a letter —- посылать письмо to dispatch smb. on an errand —- послать кого-л. с поручением researchers were confidently dispatched —- без лишнего шума были организованы поиски 9. разг. быстро справляться; разделываться, кончать to dispatch one's business —- быстро утрясти дело to dispatch one's meal —- расправиться с едой 10. разделываться, расправляться (с кем-л.); предавать смерти, казнить to dispatch a wounded animal —- прикончить раненого зверя to dispatch the prisoners —- "пустить в...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) отправка 2) быстрое исполнение 3) официальное донесение DISPATCH 1. сущ. 1) отправка 2) депеша 3) диспач (премия за более быструю погрузку или выгрузку по сравнению с нормами, обусловленными в чартер-партии) • - dispatch office 2. гл. 1) отправлять 2) выдавать заказ (предприятию) на изготовление продукции 3) получать сообщение о завершении производства ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) связь депеша 2) донесение 3) отгружать 4) отправка 5) отправление 6) отправлять 7) посылать 8) сообщение dispatch telephone system — диспетчерская телефонная система - dispatch boat ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  распределять; распределение – load dispatch ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) распределение распределять 2) передача; посылка; сообщение передавать; посылать; сообщать 3) диспетчерская связь 4) экспедиция; экспедирование, рассылка (печатной продукции) dispatch for storage — закладка (продукта) на хранение - computer-aided dispatch - train dispatch ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. (also despatch) --v.tr. 1 send off to a destination or for a purpose (dispatched him with the message). 2 perform (business, a task, etc.) promptly; finish off. 3 kill, execute (dispatched him with the revolver). 4 colloq. eat (food, a meal, etc.) quickly. --n. 1 the act or an instance of sending (a messenger, letter, etc.). 2 the act or an instance of killing; execution. 3 a an official written message on State or esp. military affairs. b a report sent in by a newspaper's correspondent, usu. from a foreign country. 4 promptness, efficiency (done with dispatch). Phrases and idioms dispatch-box (or -case) a container for esp. official State or military documents or dispatches. dispatch-rider a motor cyclist or rider on horseback carrying military dispatches. Derivatives dispatcher n. Etymology: It. dispacciare or Sp. despachar expedite (as DIS-, It. impacciare and Sp. empachar hinder, of uncert. orig.) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Spanish despachar or Italian dispacciare, from Occitan despachar to get rid of, from Middle French despechier to set free, from Old French, from des- dis- + -pechier (as in enpechier to ensnare) — more at impeach  Date: 1517  transitive verb  1. to send off or away with promptness or speed; especially to send off on official business  2.  a. to kill with quick efficiency  b. obsolete deprive  3. to dispose of (as a task) rapidly or efficiently  4. defeat 3  intransitive verb archaic to make haste ; hurry  Synonyms: see kill  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 1537  1.  a. a message sent with speed; especially an important official message sent by a diplomatic, military, or naval officer  b. a news item filed by a correspondent  2. the act of ~ing: as  a. obsolete dismissal  b. the act of killing  c.  (1) prompt settlement (as of an item of business)  (2) quick riddance  d. a sending off ; shipment  3. promptness and efficiency in performance or transmission done with ~  Synonyms: see haste ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (dispatches, dispatching, dispatched) Note: in BRIT, also use 'despatch' 1. If you dispatch someone to a place, you send them there for a particular reason. (FORMAL) He dispatched scouts ahead... The Italian government was preparing to dispatch 4,000 soldiers to search the island. = send VERB: V n adv/prep, V n to-inf • Dispatch is also a noun. The despatch of the task force is purely a contingency measure. N-UNCOUNT: usu N of n 2. If you dispatch a message, letter, or parcel, you send it to a particular person or destination. (FORMAL) The victory inspired him to dispatch a gleeful telegram to Roosevelt... Free gifts are dispatched separately so please allow 28 days for delivery. = send VERB: V n prep/adv, be V-ed, also V n • Dispatch is also a noun. We have 125 cases ready for dispatch. N-UNCOUNT 3. A dispatch is a special report that is sent to a newspaper or broadcasting organization by a journalist who is in a different town or country. ...this despatch from our West Africa correspondent. = bulletin N-COUNT 4. A dispatch is a message or report that is sent, for example, by army officers or government officials to their headquarters. I was carrying dispatches from the ambassador. N-COUNT 5. To dispatch a person or an animal means to kill them. (OLD-FASHIONED) The fox takes his chance with a pack of hounds which may catch him and despatch him immediately. VERB: V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 also despatch BrE v 1 formal to send someone or something somewhere for a particular purpose  (dispatch sb/sth to)  (A reporter was dispatched to Naples to cover the riot.) 2 old-fashioned to deliberately kill a person or animal 3 old-fashioned to finish all of something ~2 also despatch BrE n 1 a message sent between military or government officials  (a dispatch from headquarters) 2 a report sent to a newspaper from one of its writers who is in another town or country 3 with dispatch formal if you do something with dispatch, you do it well and quickly 4 the act of sending people or things to a particular place  (- see also mentioned in dispatches mention1 (6)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1517, "to send off in a hurry," from Sp. despacher "expedite, hasten," probably opposite of O.Prov. empachar "impede," either from Gallo-Romance *impactare, frequentive of L. pingere "dash against," or ult. from L. pedica "shackle." Meaning "to get rid of by killing" is attested from 1530. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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